Use Docker Images

Containerization is a key component of any CI system. Taskcluster provides a built-in worker implementation called docker-worker which makes running tasks with docker easy!


Taskcluster’s generic-worker implementation can also run docker images and will eventually replace the older docker-worker. But for now docker-worker provides a better experience with docker.

The docker-worker payload supports specifying images as a string (to be pulled from DockerHub), an index to an image built by another task, or the name of an image built in-project. Let’s take a look at how each one works.

Using Images from a Registry

As one might expect, tasks using docker-worker can specify an image on DockerHub like so:

     docker-image: "ubuntu:latest"

This method is easy and convenient, but has a few drawbacks. Namely if you need a custom image, you’ll have to maintain a separate release process for it that involves versioning and pushing to DockerHub.


When pulling images from a registry it’s highly recommended to pin the image to a hash for security and reproducibility reasons:

    docker-image: "ubuntu@sha256:cd3d86f1fb368c6a53659d467560010ab9e0695528127ea336fe32f68f7ba09f"

The sha256 of the image can be found in the image’s digest on DockerHub or locally via the “Id” field in docker inspect <image name>.

Using Images from an Index

Alternatively, you can build images in a task (even outside of your project) and upload the image as an artifact. Then tasks can reference this “image builder” task by an index like so:

      indexed: "myproject.cache.level-3.docker.v2.custom.latest"

This will automatically download and use the public/image.tar.zst artifact from the task pointed to by the specified index.

Using In-Project Images

The last method of using docker images is to build the image using a task within the project. This has some very powerful benefits:

  1. Images are in the same repository, so they can be modified in the same commit as the code that depends on those modifications.

  2. Images are built once and then cached until modified, reducing latency.

  3. No need to worry about versioning or publishing (e.g to DockerHub or an index).

  4. No reliance on an external service (e.g DockerHub).

  5. Changes to images can easily be rolled back.

For these reasons, using in-project images is the recommended way to go if you need custom images (and sometimes even if you don’t).

The task definition is just as simple as the other two methods:

      in-tree: "custom"

This tells your task to use the in-project image called “custom”.

Creating In-Project Docker Images

Taskcluster docker images are defined in the source directory under taskcluster/docker. Each directory therein contains the name of an image used as part of the task graph. So in the example above, we’d create a taskcluster/docker/custom/Dockerfile in the repository.

This Dockerfile mostly follows the standard Dockerfile specification. For example, it may look like:

FROM debian:11

### Add worker user and setup its workspace.
RUN mkdir /builds && \
    groupadd -g 1000 worker && \
    useradd -u 1000 -g 1000 -d /builds/worker -s /bin/bash -m worker && \
    mkdir -p /builds/worker/workspace && \
    chown -R worker:worker /builds

# Declare default working folder
WORKDIR /builds/worker

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y \
      gnupg \
      bzip2 \
      git \
      openssh-client \
      python3-requests \
      python3-zstd \

# %include src/taskgraph/run-task/run-task
ADD topsrcdir/src/taskgraph/run-task/run-task /usr/local/bin/run-task

# %include src/taskgraph/run-task/fetch-content
ADD topsrcdir/src/taskgraph/run-task/fetch-content /usr/local/bin/fetch-content

The astute observer may notice the bizarre # %include comments towards the bottom. Taskgraph Dockerfiles support an optional extended syntax which adds some convenient features!

Special Dockerfile Syntax

Dockerfile syntax has been extended to allow any file from the source checkout to be added to the image build context. (Traditionally you can only ADD files from the same directory as the Dockerfile.)

Simply add the following syntax as a comment in a Dockerfile:

# %include <path>


# %include config.json
ADD topsrcdir/config.json /config/config.json

# %include data/manifests
ADD topsrcdir/data/manifests /data/manifests

The argument to # %include is a relative path from the root level of the source directory. It can be a file or a directory. If a file, only that file will be added. If a directory, every file under that directory will be added (even files that are untracked or ignored by version control).

Files added using # %include syntax are available inside the build context under the topsrcdir/ path.

Files are added as they exist on disk. e.g. executable flags should be preserved. However, the file owner/group is changed to root and the mtime of the file is normalized.

Adding Image Builder Tasks

Once the Dockerfile is created, a task will need to be added that builds and uploads the image as an artifact. Luckily Taskgraph comes with the transforms necessary to set these up, so all that’s needed is adding a barebones kind.yml file. For example, assuming you want to name your kind docker-image, you’d create a taskcluster/ci/docker-image/kind.yml file with the following contents:

loader: taskgraph.loader.transform:loader

    - taskgraph.transforms.docker_image:transforms
    - taskgraph.transforms.cached_tasks:transforms
    - taskgraph.transforms.task:transforms

        symbol: I(custom-image)

And that’s it! The docker_image transforms will process the Dockerfile and handle the special syntax. Whereas the cached_tasks transforms will ensure the image is only generated once and then re-used by all subsequent pushes until the image is modified.

Context Directory Hashing

To determine whether an in-project image needs to be rebuilt or not, Decision tasks will calculate the sha256 hash of the contents of the image directory and will determine if the image already exists for the current context or if a new image must be built and indexed.

The decision task will:

  1. Recursively collect the paths of all files within the context directory

  2. Sort the filenames alphabetically to ensure the hash is consistently calculated

  3. Generate a sha256 hash of the contents of each file

  4. All file hashes will then be combined with their path and used to update the hash of the context directory

This ensures that the hash is consistently calculated and path changes will result in different hashes being generated.

Task Image Index Namespace

Images that are built on push and uploaded as an artifact of a task will be indexed under the following namespaces.


Not only can images be browsed by the pushdate and context hash, but the ‘latest’ namespace is meant to view the latest built image. This functions similarly to the ‘latest’ tag for docker images that are pushed to a registry. Tasks can use these images as specified in Using Images from an Index above.

Working with Images Locally

Taskgraph provides some command line utilities to facilitate working with images locally. These are:

  • taskgraph build-image <name> - Builds an in-project image locally.

  • taskgraph load-image --task-id <task-id> - Loads an image built by the specified task locally.

  • taskgraph image-digest <name> - Prints the digest of the specified image.

See the Command Line reference for more details.