Use Artifacts from Dependencies#

Tasks typically depend on other tasks in order to consume their output, or artifacts. Taskgraph provides a declarative mechanism to use these artifacts called “fetches”.

At a high level, a task declares which artifacts it wishes to use in a fetches key in its task definition. Then this information is passed down to the fetch-content script which runs immediately preceding the task’s command. The fetch-content script handles downloading (and possibly extracting) the artifact to a known location. The task can then use the artifact in its payload.

Using Fetches#

Fetches are implemented as part of the job transforms. So first make sure your task’s kind.yml file is using those transforms:

loader: taskgraph.loader.transform:loader

  - taskgraph.transforms.job:transforms

Now let’s say we’re creating a test task. We’ll need to download and extract the build artifact from a build task. With fetches, this can be accomplished like so:

    build: build-opt
  # <remainder of task definition>

In this example, we first add a dependency edge (named build) on the task labelled build-opt. Then we declare that we want to fetch the artifact from this dependency. Note that the key used in the fetches dict should correspond to the name of a dependency edge.

Now before your task’s payload is executed, the fetch-content script will automatically download and extract the artifact to the $TASK_WORKDIR/fetches directory. Easy!

Configuring Fetches#

It’s possible to configure the fetch by specifying a dict instead of a string. For example:

    build: build-opt
      - artifact:
        extract: false
        dest: some/other/place

This will download the artifact to some/other/place and avoid extracting it. If a string is used (like in the first example), the default values will be used, {extract: true, dest: "fetches"}.

Using fetch and toolchain Tasks#

There are two special kinds of task that exist for the sole purpose of exposing an artifact to downstream consumers:

  1. fetch - Tasks that fetch a resource from the internet and adds it to Taskcluster’s artifact storage.

  2. toolchain - Tasks that build and/or package a resource.

Since these types of tasks expose a single well defined artifact, using them in fetches is much simpler:

      - grcov
      - clang

There are a few differences from the earlier build examples here:

  1. Instead of specifying the dependency edge name, the kind name is used.

  2. Instead of specifying the name of the artifact, the label of the task is used (this example assumes that tasks called grcov and clang exist).

  3. The dependency on the fetch or toolchain is implicitly added, so no need to specify them in the dependencies key.


It is not possible to configure the dest or extract values when using fetch or toolchain kinds.