Command Line#

Interact with taskgraph

usage: taskgraph [-h]



Show the morphed graph.

taskgraph morphed [-h] [-j MAX_WORKERS] [--diff [DIFF]] [-F] [-k TARGET_KINDS]
                  [--exclude-key EXCLUDE_KEYS] [--tasks-regex TASKS_REGEX]
                  [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--no-optimize] [--parameters PARAMETERS]
                  [--labels] [--yaml] [--json] [--verbose] [--quiet]
                  [--root ROOT]

Named Arguments#

-j, --max-workers

The maximum number of workers to use for parallel operations such aswhen multiple parameters files are passed.


Generate and diff the current taskgraph against another revision. Without args the base revision will be used. A revision specifier such as the hash or .~1 (hg) or HEAD~1 (git) can be used as well.

-F, --fast

enable fast task generation for local debugging.

Default: False

-k, --target-kind

only return tasks that are of the given kind, or their dependencies.

Default: []


Exclude the specified key (using dot notation) from the final result. This is mainly useful with ‘–diff’ to filter out expected differences. Can be used multiple times.

--tasks-regex, --tasks

only return tasks with labels matching this regular expression.

-o, --output-file

file path to store generated output.


do not remove tasks from the graph that are found in the index (a.k.a. optimize the graph)

Default: “true”

--parameters, -p

Parameters to use for the generation. Can be a path to file (.yml or .json; see taskcluster/docs/parameters.rst), a directory (containing parameters files), a url, of the form project=mozilla-central to download latest parameters file for the specified project from CI, or of the form task-id=<decision task id> to download parameters from the specified decision task. Can be specified multiple times, in which case multiple generations will happen from the same invocation (one per parameters specified).

--labels, -L

Output the label for each task in the task graph (default)

--yaml, -Y

Output task graph as a YAML object

--json, -J

Output task graph as a JSON object

--verbose, -v

include debug-level logging output

Default: False

--quiet, -q

suppress all logging output

Default: False

--root, -r

root of the taskgraph definition relative to topsrcdir


Show the optimized graph.

taskgraph optimized [-h] [-j MAX_WORKERS] [--diff [DIFF]] [-F]
                    [-k TARGET_KINDS] [--exclude-key EXCLUDE_KEYS]
                    [--tasks-regex TASKS_REGEX] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                    [--no-optimize] [--parameters PARAMETERS] [--labels]
                    [--yaml] [--json] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--root ROOT]

Named Arguments#

-j, --max-workers

The maximum number of workers to use for parallel operations such aswhen multiple parameters files are passed.


Generate and diff the current taskgraph against another revision. Without args the base revision will be used. A revision specifier such as the hash or .~1 (hg) or HEAD~1 (git) can be used as well.

-F, --fast

enable fast task generation for local debugging.

Default: False

-k, --target-kind

only return tasks that are of the given kind, or their dependencies.

Default: []


Exclude the specified key (using dot notation) from the final result. This is mainly useful with ‘–diff’ to filter out expected differences. Can be used multiple times.

--tasks-regex, --tasks

only return tasks with labels matching this regular expression.

-o, --output-file

file path to store generated output.


do not remove tasks from the graph that are found in the index (a.k.a. optimize the graph)

Default: “true”

--parameters, -p

Parameters to use for the generation. Can be a path to file (.yml or .json; see taskcluster/docs/parameters.rst), a directory (containing parameters files), a url, of the form project=mozilla-central to download latest parameters file for the specified project from CI, or of the form task-id=<decision task id> to download parameters from the specified decision task. Can be specified multiple times, in which case multiple generations will happen from the same invocation (one per parameters specified).

--labels, -L

Output the label for each task in the task graph (default)

--yaml, -Y

Output task graph as a YAML object

--json, -J

Output task graph as a JSON object

--verbose, -v

include debug-level logging output

Default: False

--quiet, -q

suppress all logging output

Default: False

--root, -r

root of the taskgraph definition relative to topsrcdir


Show the target graph.

taskgraph target-graph [-h] [-j MAX_WORKERS] [--diff [DIFF]] [-F]
                       [-k TARGET_KINDS] [--exclude-key EXCLUDE_KEYS]
                       [--tasks-regex TASKS_REGEX] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                       [--no-optimize] [--parameters PARAMETERS] [--labels]
                       [--yaml] [--json] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--root ROOT]

Named Arguments#

-j, --max-workers

The maximum number of workers to use for parallel operations such aswhen multiple parameters files are passed.


Generate and diff the current taskgraph against another revision. Without args the base revision will be used. A revision specifier such as the hash or .~1 (hg) or HEAD~1 (git) can be used as well.

-F, --fast

enable fast task generation for local debugging.

Default: False

-k, --target-kind

only return tasks that are of the given kind, or their dependencies.

Default: []


Exclude the specified key (using dot notation) from the final result. This is mainly useful with ‘–diff’ to filter out expected differences. Can be used multiple times.

--tasks-regex, --tasks

only return tasks with labels matching this regular expression.

-o, --output-file

file path to store generated output.


do not remove tasks from the graph that are found in the index (a.k.a. optimize the graph)

Default: “true”

--parameters, -p

Parameters to use for the generation. Can be a path to file (.yml or .json; see taskcluster/docs/parameters.rst), a directory (containing parameters files), a url, of the form project=mozilla-central to download latest parameters file for the specified project from CI, or of the form task-id=<decision task id> to download parameters from the specified decision task. Can be specified multiple times, in which case multiple generations will happen from the same invocation (one per parameters specified).

--labels, -L

Output the label for each task in the task graph (default)

--yaml, -Y

Output task graph as a YAML object

--json, -J

Output task graph as a JSON object

--verbose, -v

include debug-level logging output

Default: False

--quiet, -q

suppress all logging output

Default: False

--root, -r

root of the taskgraph definition relative to topsrcdir


Show the set of target tasks.

taskgraph target [-h] [-j MAX_WORKERS] [--diff [DIFF]] [-F] [-k TARGET_KINDS]
                 [--exclude-key EXCLUDE_KEYS] [--tasks-regex TASKS_REGEX]
                 [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--no-optimize] [--parameters PARAMETERS]
                 [--labels] [--yaml] [--json] [--verbose] [--quiet]
                 [--root ROOT]

Named Arguments#

-j, --max-workers

The maximum number of workers to use for parallel operations such aswhen multiple parameters files are passed.


Generate and diff the current taskgraph against another revision. Without args the base revision will be used. A revision specifier such as the hash or .~1 (hg) or HEAD~1 (git) can be used as well.

-F, --fast

enable fast task generation for local debugging.

Default: False

-k, --target-kind

only return tasks that are of the given kind, or their dependencies.

Default: []


Exclude the specified key (using dot notation) from the final result. This is mainly useful with ‘–diff’ to filter out expected differences. Can be used multiple times.

--tasks-regex, --tasks

only return tasks with labels matching this regular expression.

-o, --output-file

file path to store generated output.


do not remove tasks from the graph that are found in the index (a.k.a. optimize the graph)

Default: “true”

--parameters, -p

Parameters to use for the generation. Can be a path to file (.yml or .json; see taskcluster/docs/parameters.rst), a directory (containing parameters files), a url, of the form project=mozilla-central to download latest parameters file for the specified project from CI, or of the form task-id=<decision task id> to download parameters from the specified decision task. Can be specified multiple times, in which case multiple generations will happen from the same invocation (one per parameters specified).

--labels, -L

Output the label for each task in the task graph (default)

--yaml, -Y

Output task graph as a YAML object

--json, -J

Output task graph as a JSON object

--verbose, -v

include debug-level logging output

Default: False

--quiet, -q

suppress all logging output

Default: False

--root, -r

root of the taskgraph definition relative to topsrcdir


Show the full taskgraph.

taskgraph full [-h] [-j MAX_WORKERS] [--diff [DIFF]] [-F] [-k TARGET_KINDS]
               [--exclude-key EXCLUDE_KEYS] [--tasks-regex TASKS_REGEX]
               [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--no-optimize] [--parameters PARAMETERS]
               [--labels] [--yaml] [--json] [--verbose] [--quiet]
               [--root ROOT]

Named Arguments#

-j, --max-workers

The maximum number of workers to use for parallel operations such aswhen multiple parameters files are passed.


Generate and diff the current taskgraph against another revision. Without args the base revision will be used. A revision specifier such as the hash or .~1 (hg) or HEAD~1 (git) can be used as well.

-F, --fast

enable fast task generation for local debugging.

Default: False

-k, --target-kind

only return tasks that are of the given kind, or their dependencies.

Default: []


Exclude the specified key (using dot notation) from the final result. This is mainly useful with ‘–diff’ to filter out expected differences. Can be used multiple times.

--tasks-regex, --tasks

only return tasks with labels matching this regular expression.

-o, --output-file

file path to store generated output.


do not remove tasks from the graph that are found in the index (a.k.a. optimize the graph)

Default: “true”

--parameters, -p

Parameters to use for the generation. Can be a path to file (.yml or .json; see taskcluster/docs/parameters.rst), a directory (containing parameters files), a url, of the form project=mozilla-central to download latest parameters file for the specified project from CI, or of the form task-id=<decision task id> to download parameters from the specified decision task. Can be specified multiple times, in which case multiple generations will happen from the same invocation (one per parameters specified).

--labels, -L

Output the label for each task in the task graph (default)

--yaml, -Y

Output task graph as a YAML object

--json, -J

Output task graph as a JSON object

--verbose, -v

include debug-level logging output

Default: False

--quiet, -q

suppress all logging output

Default: False

--root, -r

root of the taskgraph definition relative to topsrcdir


Show all tasks in the taskgraph.

taskgraph tasks [-h] [-j MAX_WORKERS] [--diff [DIFF]] [-F] [-k TARGET_KINDS]
                [--exclude-key EXCLUDE_KEYS] [--tasks-regex TASKS_REGEX]
                [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--no-optimize] [--parameters PARAMETERS]
                [--labels] [--yaml] [--json] [--verbose] [--quiet]
                [--root ROOT]

Named Arguments#

-j, --max-workers

The maximum number of workers to use for parallel operations such aswhen multiple parameters files are passed.


Generate and diff the current taskgraph against another revision. Without args the base revision will be used. A revision specifier such as the hash or .~1 (hg) or HEAD~1 (git) can be used as well.

-F, --fast

enable fast task generation for local debugging.

Default: False

-k, --target-kind

only return tasks that are of the given kind, or their dependencies.

Default: []


Exclude the specified key (using dot notation) from the final result. This is mainly useful with ‘–diff’ to filter out expected differences. Can be used multiple times.

--tasks-regex, --tasks

only return tasks with labels matching this regular expression.

-o, --output-file

file path to store generated output.


do not remove tasks from the graph that are found in the index (a.k.a. optimize the graph)

Default: “true”

--parameters, -p

Parameters to use for the generation. Can be a path to file (.yml or .json; see taskcluster/docs/parameters.rst), a directory (containing parameters files), a url, of the form project=mozilla-central to download latest parameters file for the specified project from CI, or of the form task-id=<decision task id> to download parameters from the specified decision task. Can be specified multiple times, in which case multiple generations will happen from the same invocation (one per parameters specified).

--labels, -L

Output the label for each task in the task graph (default)

--yaml, -Y

Output task graph as a YAML object

--json, -J

Output task graph as a JSON object

--verbose, -v

include debug-level logging output

Default: False

--quiet, -q

suppress all logging output

Default: False

--root, -r

root of the taskgraph definition relative to topsrcdir


Build a Docker image

taskgraph build-image [-h] [--context-only context.tar] [-t name:tag]

Positional Arguments#


Name of the image to build

Named Arguments#


File name the context tarball should be written to.with this option it will only build the context.tar.

-t, --tag

tag that the image should be built as.


Load a pre-built Docker image. Note that you need to have docker installed and running for this to work.

taskgraph load-image [-h] [-t name:tag] [--task-id TASK_ID] [image_name]

Positional Arguments#


Load the image of this name based on the current contents of the tree (as built for mozilla-central or mozilla-inbound)

Named Arguments#

-t, --tag

tag that the image should be loaded as. If not image will be loaded with tag from the tarball


Load the image at public/image.tar.zst in this task, rather than searching the index


Print the digest of a docker image.

taskgraph image-digest [-h] image_name

Positional Arguments#


Print the digest of the image of this name based on the current contents of the tree.


Run the decision task

taskgraph decision [-h] [--try-task-config-file TRY_TASK_CONFIG_FILE]
                   --tasks-for TASKS_FOR [--head-tag HEAD_TAG] --head-rev
                   HEAD_REV --head-ref HEAD_REF --head-repository
                   HEAD_REPOSITORY [--base-rev BASE_REV] [--base-ref BASE_REF]
                   --base-repository BASE_REPOSITORY --repository-type
                   REPOSITORY_TYPE [--target-tasks-method TARGET_TASKS_METHOD]
                   --level LEVEL --owner OWNER --pushdate PUSHDATE
                   --pushlog-id PUSHLOG_ID --project PROJECT [--root ROOT]

Named Arguments#


path to try task configuration file


the tasks_for value used to generate this task


Tag attached to the revision

Default: “”


Commit revision to use from head repository


Reference (this is same as rev usually for hg)


URL for “head” repository to fetch revision from


Taskgraph decides what to do based on the revision range between –base-rev and –head-rev. Value is determined automatically if not provided

Default: “”


Reference of the revision in the “base” repository

Default: “”


URL for “base” repository to clone


Type of repository, either “hg” or “git”


method for selecting the target tasks to generate


SCM level of this repository


email address of who owns this graph


Default: 0


Default: “0”


Project to use for creating task graph. Example: –project=try

--root, -r

root of the taskgraph definition relative to topsrcdir


Run action callback used by action tasks

taskgraph action-callback [-h] [--root ROOT]

Named Arguments#

--root, -r

root of the taskgraph definition relative to topsrcdir

Default: “taskcluster”


Run an action callback in a testing mode

taskgraph test-action-callback [-h] [--input INPUT]
                               [--task-group-id TASK_GROUP_ID]
                               [--task-id TASK_ID] [--parameters PARAMETERS]
                               [--root ROOT]

Positional Arguments#


Action callback name (Python function name)

Named Arguments#


Action input (.yml or .json)


TaskGroupId to which the action applies


TaskId to which the action applies

--parameters, -p

parameters file (.yml or .json; see taskcluster/docs/parameters.rst)`

Default: “”

--root, -r

root of the taskgraph definition relative to topsrcdir

Default: “taskcluster”


Initialize a new Taskgraph setup in a new or existing project.

taskgraph init [-h] [--prompt] [-f]

Named Arguments#


Prompt for input rather than using default values (advanced).

Default: True

-f, --force

Bypass safety checks.

Default: False